“Create New Account” instructions:
Create New Account using the box below to the right.
Create a username. Usernames must be a minimum of eight characters and can be any combination of letters and numbers. Username is not case-sensitive.
Create a Password: Your password must be a minimum of eight characters, is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly the same way each time you sign in. Use any combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters (!@#$%^&*-+=|<>?/\).
Click on the “Create Account” button. You will be taken to a new page to enter your contact information. After submitting your contact information, you can register for your membership and courses.
Note: It is possible for two people to use the same email address, but each person MUST have his/her own username. If you are already a member, and have forgotten your login or password, please DO NOT create a new account. Please click the "Find my username" or "Reset my password" button. If you still need assistance, please call the office at 271-3452, and we will be happy to assist.